Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fiber bread

Not a great idea to consume two sandwiches at 5g fiber per slice. Makes for an interesting afternoon at work...


  1. I see you're trying to be less blatant when you're talking about poopin'. I'd say just go whole hog, and speak plainly about the topic...

  2. Perhaps, had I read the comments in time-erific order, I'd have read the intelligent sounding discourse between you and Su on the other post. Which might have led me to choose a more appropriate tone for my comments. But screw that.

    Although, I will not open the cursing can of worms until you do. Because I'm a nice, respectful sort of guy.

  3. All I have to say is this...

    In the summer of 1996 my family went on a road trip. We packed eight people into a mini-van and a big ole' F250 and drove from Maryland to Montana and back. We discovered, somewhere around Illinois on the way out that bran and my brother were not friends. And not only did the bran attempt to eat it's way out of his intestines like rancid fire, but it was willing to kill anyone around him at the time. Thankfully, I was in the truck. But I heard the prolific recitations on the exact nature of the beast that emanated from his bowels over the radio as all the men complained.

    Is fiber your bran, Trevor? I know my mom eats that bread. And she has the fiber+ splenda packets that each contain a gram of fiber to put in her tea... Are you saying my mom can out fiber you? For shame.

  4. Dan,
    In this I'm only attempting to convey scatagorical humour with more wit, when possible.

    While it's impressive that your mother adds a gram here and there to her fiber, I put 20 grams of fiber into my stomach JUST in the morning, excluding what I had that night. I will say that it was audible that afternoon, but I was resilient to it's other affects.

    My ass is a champ when it comes to fiber. Your mother's colon can't convincingly compete.

  5. You missed the My mom eats that bread... and she has the fiber sugars... but you missed the bread. Geez Trevor. Way to read.
