Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jurassic Park on Pandora

So I decided to take a small adventure away from my normal Pandora stations that I listen to at work and try something a bit different. Movie soundtracks. What movie should I base this station on? Well, I wasn't really sure what Pandora was going to give me, but I put in Jurassic Park.

My favourite movie from 1993, with a lively score by John Williams.

The station has taken me on an journey back through the 1990s and early 2000s, revisting such great soundtracks as Back to the Future, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings. A few strange ones came in, like Harry Potter, but luckly there is the dislike button. Not that it's a bad track, but not what I want on my selection of movie scores.

Unfortunately, it did take almost 2 hours before I heard Jurassic Park at all. Thanks for making me wait, Pandora.

I want to go home and rewatch that and the second one. The second one was great, as far as sequals go.

Okay, I ran out of things to say.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Y R U no post?

So I haven't been posting for a while. I'm going to try to get better with this.

You may see some craziness going on, like new gadgets, text fonts that are out of wack, or random pictures popping up.

Nativity in meat form.

I'm still trying to play around here in this blog, and have a more structured, fluid one for my races and training. Pretty much, this one may have more excitement :)

I still have things to figure out, like what the fuck is a 'jump break' that I can insert? How do I make tabs like in other blogs? What are labels? I'll just figure them out here.

If you have a cool idea to have in one of my blogs, let me know. Or don't.

Eat it.